UNDP Annual Report 2023
The results and impact of UNDP’s work in 2023 are presented through the theme of unified action: transforming sustainable development and building a better world for all. Report highlights include our progress on the four Global Ambitions (or Moonshots) we expect to achieve by 2025 – and across the 17 SDGs.
UNDP Annual Report 2022 (2023 April)
UNICEF Migration Reports Infographic Design and Layout
PPPX Branding Strategy and Design (UNICEF)
PPPX The PPPX is a UNICEF's intranet site. It is the primary repository for programme guidance in UNICEF. The "PPP" stands for "Principle, policy and procedure" and the "X" blends the “M” of the former manual with the “W” of wikipedia, while evoking the concept of eXperiment and representing the eXpanded access to guidance the project provides.     The Branding of PPPX develops a visual system and color coding to present the 6 elements of its content: Principles & Frameworks, Programme Design, Implementation, Monitoring, Reporting, Evaluation. Each element is symbolized by an icon and a color from the pallet.
Green Ribbon For Earth poster series
Green Ribbon For Earth poster series Poster For___. is a International Poster Competition found in 2018. All designers and students all around the world are invited to participate. Poster For__. is an international poster competition established in 2018. It invites designers and students from around the world to participate. The competition aims to cultivate a brand that embodies passion and contemporary style in the realm of international design contests. The slogan, "Transform meaning into art," encapsulates the competition's mission to inspire creativity and meaningful expression through design. ART DIRECTOR: Shangning Wang DESIGNER: Jiayan He YEAR: 2024 CLIENT: PosterFor.com
Self-portrait: Mind Map and Infographic
Adobe InDesign 2020 Splash Screen -Experimental posters
This is a series of posters that showcase the feeling of global warming. This project was created in May 2018, and published in early June 2018. In 2019, we collaborated with the Adobe Design Team, and one piece of this project is featured at Adobe InDesign 2020 splash screen. We are the first Chinese designers featured by the Adobe products splash screen. 本系列实验海报创作于2018年5月,并于2018年6月份发布。2019年11月份Adobe公司与我们合作将其中一件作品收录,并用于Adobe InDesign 2020版本的开机启动页。另外同系列的两件作品被收录在官方网站和博客。此次合作为一年半时间。 这是中国设计师首次登上 Adobe 产品启动页。 当然,无论何时只要你使用2020版本的InDesign,仍然可以看到我们这件作品。期待以后在Adobe软件启动页上看到更多的中国设计师的作品。共勉!
Poster For Branding
Poster For___. is a International Poster Competition found in 2018. All designers and students all around the world are invited to participate.
Poster For__. 2023 Vintage Poster Campaign
Poster 2023 Vintage Poster Campaign. Posterfor.com
UNDP Branding abstract graphics
UNDP Gender Equality Strategy 2022-2025 Annual Report
This report highlights the midterm review and second year of implementation of the UNDP 2022-2025 Gender Equality Strategy. Through country and regional examples, it highlights key accomplishments made in accelerating gender equality in 2023. In the first two years of the Strategy’s implementation, UNDP has met targets, expanded new areas of work, and showcased how structural transformation can unfold by advocating, innovating, and demonstrating integrated development.
Data visualization & Infographic for UNICEF reports
By using visual elements like charts, infographics, and maps, data visualization is an effective to convey non-profit organization's message and ideas. With the purpose of education and storytelling, the infographics in reports can help the audiences quickly understand the background information, and remove the noise from data and highlighting the useful information. Meanwhile, high-quality data visualization helps the non-profit organization to attract more attentions from the public. It helps the organization to promote themselves and influence more people.
Design for UNICEF Green paper
UNDP Annual Report 2021
This Annual Report provides a snapshot of the results we achieved together with countries and communities over the last 12 months, the final year of our four-year Strategic Plan.
The FutureSmart Poster Series for UNDP RR Retreat
UNDP RR Leadership retreat 2022
UNDP Annual Report 2020
This UNDP Annual Report takes a look at the results we achieved with countries and communities through 12 intense months. It considers the role we played as the technical lead of the UN’s socio-economic response to the COVID-19 crisis, providing in-country analysis to help 144 countries better understand what action to take, deploying nearly US$1 billion to over 170 countries and territories, helping government and health systems to function, protecting jobs and livelihoods and rapidly expanding social protection. Creative director: Rodrigo Domingues Copywriter: Peter Barry Designers: Shangning Wang, Pragya Mahendru Animation: Andre Socorro Olivares
Concept /Climate Change Conference
*Please note: Personal project/ concept project/ student thesis project. This is not the official branding design of the event. This one was not selected by the event. This was only designed for education and communication purpose (designed in 2016). This project has no affiliation with UN COP's brand. Global Climate Change is not a new topic. Our governments have plans to resolve it for years, but they did not have many actions. Most of people gradually lost their interest on this topic. As designers, we have the ability and responsibility to arouse people’s interest again. I hope this project can inspire other designers.“Design can save the world! ”. The objective of this project is to create an attractive branding that can reflect the connection between the different weather and the global climate change. The first step is to build the identity’s visual system. The visual system is made by 25 dots which relates to the 25th COP Conference. My aim is to create a smart system that can be applied on different medias. I abstracted the media’s characteristics and fitted them to the system. From printings to screens, each individual design can reflect the media’s character. In order to create a scalable and flexible identity, I explored composition on the weather icons. All the icons are developed in the system. The identity communicate the conference’s goals and the concept of weathers mix. Since the weather conditions are never independent. In addition, different weather conditions are mutual conversion among each other. Through designing a simple visual system, I can make these icons reasonably showed at the same time. The main logo is composed by the four basic elements of nature. They are air, water, earth, and fire. Except for the square made by 25 dots, the four elements are the foundation for the system. All the weather icons are developed from the four basic elements. In the process, I also developed a typeface family that can be combined accurately with the whole visual system. For secondary logo, I chose Futura Medium. Design can save the world! Thank you for watching!
Half the World is Being Left Behind I UNDP
Beauty of Data
Turning data into art.
Poster For___.
Poster for___. is an new International Poster Competition. Nowadays poster design has become more and more important for making changes and will definitely be even more in the future. What you design posters for? Are you designing for environment protection, education, water safety, child protection, or the other global issues? Are you designing for social awareness or maybe you only design posters for yourself. What is the role of poster design? What are your challenges of designing posters? In order to address these question, we have to step back and think about how we understand and consider poster design.
Visualization for UNICEF Handbook
This publication calls all urban stakeholders to invest in child-responsive urban planning, recognizing that cities are not only drivers of prosperity, but also of inequity. Through 10 Children’s Rights and Urban Planning principles, the handbook presents concepts, evidence, tools and promising practices to create thriving and equitable cities where children live in healthy, safe, inclusive, green and prosperous communities. By focusing on children, it provides guidance on the central role that urban planning should play in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, from a global perspective to a local context.
Until The Break of Dawn_Album Packaging Design
Client: Art direction, illustration and editorial design for Chinese rock band Chinos's new album. Chinos is a British pop rock band in Modern Sky Entertainment. Author’s vision: Designers play vital roles in music industry. Majority of people follow the visual games set by designers. Graphic designers not only design the album covers, not only make the music videos, we also design audiences’ visual memory of the music. Concept: Songs and illustrations, dreams and memories. Chinos’ new album is modern fairy tales. This project aims to demonstrate and visualize Chinos’ songs. The theme of this album is “dreams and fairy tale”. Some research on dreams suggests that the vast majority of people actually used to dream in black and white, which means there are no popping colors to draw focus. In order to to demonstrate and visualize Chinos’ songs. I decided to combine black and white illustrations with flexiable layout to express its spirits. The partnership of black and white in the illustrations is an ideal match of opposites. The purity of white, coupled with the mystery of black, shows a balance on the eyes which can produce a powerful emotional response, so elements such as type, illustrations and graphics take on an added importance. I wish to remind the audiences of their own dreams, hoping to make them stop for a minute, and start to create their fairy tales. And despite the added value of appearing to customers in a classy context, black and white print is actually cheaper to execute, as the costs for printing are reduced due to there only being two colors. Thank you for reading:)
UNDP CPU branding design
UNDP Innovation Hub branding design
UNDP Greening Moonshot
UNDP Strong Partnerships, Stronger Impact report
UNDP Gender Equality Seal-Development
The Gender Equality Seal for UNDP Country Offices promotes an organizational culture of gender equality and incentivizes country offices to meet standards by integrating gender into all aspects of our development work. It is UNDP’s flagship initiative to build capacities and support transformational gender equality results.
UNDP cards and email newsletter design
Infographic and Visualization for UNICEF Lead Report
Download the report here: https://www.unicef.org/reports/toxic-truth-childrens-exposure-to-lead-pollution-2020
UNDP Strategic Plan 2022-2025
The Strategic Plan 2022-2025 describes how UNDP intends to work together with our partners to deliver what’s required of us in these extraordinary times. This bold, ambitious Plan is structured around “3x6x3” – 3 directions of change, 6 signature solutions and 3 enablers – a clear framework for where we need to head. Over the next four years, we will work with countries to expand people’s choices for a fairer, sustainable future. Helping to get us back on track to deliver on the SDGs. Creative director: Rodrigo Domingues Copywriter: Peter Barry Designers: Shangning Wang, Pragya Mahendru
Infographic and UNICEF Reports Design Vol. 3
By using visual elements like charts, infographics, and maps, data visualization is an effective to convey non-profit organization's message and ideas. With the purpose of education and storytelling, the infographics in reports can help the audiences quickly understand the background information, and remove the noise from data and highlighting the useful information. Meanwhile, high-quality data visualization helps the non-profit organization to attract more attentions from the public. It helps the organization to promote themselves and influence more people.​​​​​​​ These are infographic I did for Unicef reports and publications.
An Environment Fit for Children
An Environment Fit for Children This is the first time a global generation of children will grow up in a world made far more dangerous and uncertain as a result of a changing climate and degraded environment. Effective responses to climate change are imperative to protect the world’s children and fullfill their rights. 
Poster portfolio 2015-2017
A collection of my poster design works.
Infographic and brochure design for UNICEF
Infographic and brochure design for UNICEF climate team. Air pollution is killing children. Around 300 million children currently live in areas where the air is toxic – exceeding international limits by at least six times1 and over half a million children under five years died from air pollution related causes in 2016. Millions more suffer from respiratory diseases that diminish their resilience and affect their physical and cognitive development2. An essential component of formulating effective policy responses and targeting children particularly at risk is a reliable local air quality monitoring network. These networks are anchored by high quality measurement stations on the ground that are used to improve the estimates made by satellite measurements and lower cost monitors. These high-quality measurement stations are particularly lacking in Africa both due to the limitations in government budgets and a reliable network of neutral, secure premises.
Mark&Symbol for the World Vol.2
Mark&Symbol for the World. Vol.02 A personal symbol design project that focus on global issues. The first volume is about global warming.
Infographic For Global Climate Change
Global climate change is currently a serious problem in our society. It influences the Earth's future. It causes many effects on our environment, such as glaciers shrinking, ice on rivers and lakes are melting earlier, plants and animals’ ranges shifting, and many species of animal are disappearing. According to NASA’s reports, the extreme events around the world have been increased over years. This poster shows the details and evidences of global climate change. How to educate people by design work? Can design work influence people’s attitude on global warming and stable climate? I hope this poster can teach people the truth of global climate change. I want to proved to people how bad the global climate change actually is, and appealed for a fight against the condition. Design and art can be efficient strategies for helping control the global climate change. The effort we put on this topic is absolute worthy and significant. It will gradually attracted more attention and influence people’s mind on global climate change. We can save the world with our work, and should never give up our powerful weapons.
UNDP Gender Equality Strategy: 2020 Annual Report
This annual report highlights UNDP's progress on its Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2021 and key achievements made in closing gender gaps in 2020. The report explores emerging trends and challenges that lie ahead for gender equality, including in the COVID-19 response and recovery. Learning from these lessons will be vital to accelerate progress towards gender equality and to achieve the 2030 Agenda.
Infographic and icon design for SOWC 2019/ UNICEF
Logofolio Vol.2
Second volume of my logofolio. It includes some of the visual brands I developed.
Mark&Symbol for the World Vol.1
Mark&Symbol for the World. Vol.01 A personal symbol design project that focus on global issues. The first volume is about global warming.
Generation Unlimited_Ideas Book V.2
Generation Unlimited is a global partnership that aims to ensure that every young person is in education, learning, training or employment by 2030. By 2030 there will be 2 billion young women and men seeking opportunities for a bright future throughout the world. With education, skills and empowerment, these young people will help transform economies and nations. But a fast-changing global economy demands increasingly specialized skills at a time when many education systems are struggling. Generation Unlimited brings together the private sector, governments, international and local organizations – and young people – to identify and scale up the best solutions for three major challenges: access to secondary age education, acquisition of employability skills and empowerment, especially of girls. We are building a new and dynamic model: co-creating innovative solutions; brokering support, mentoring and funding; placing young people at the forefront of change.​​​​​​​
Generation Unlimited Solution and Ideas Book
Generation Unlimited is a global partnership that aims to ensure that every young person is in education, learning, training or employment by 2030. By 2030 there will be 2 billion young women and men seeking opportunities for a bright future throughout the world. With education, skills and empowerment, these young people will help transform economies and nations. But a fast-changing global economy demands increasingly specialized skills at a time when many education systems are struggling. Generation Unlimited brings together the private sector, governments, international and local organizations – and young people – to identify and scale up the best solutions for three major challenges: access to secondary age education, acquisition of employability skills and empowerment, especially of girls. We are building a new and dynamic model: co-creating innovative solutions; brokering support, mentoring and funding; placing young people at the forefront of change. Website: https://www.generationunlimited.org/ Solutions and Promising Ideas Book: https://www.generationunlimited.org/media/906/file Promising Ideas Book (New version): https://www.generationunlimited.org/media/416/file Visual Communication Design & Art Direction: Shangning Wang
Practical Guidance to Support Work on Shock Responsive
From the growing number and severity of climate disasters to ongoing political upheaval, the number of children and families living in communities vulnerable to shocks and facing emergency situations is growing, with potentially devastating impacts on children and their childhoods. When crisis hits, effective social protection support is often a crucial factor in determining whether children can quickly return to normality or their life paths will be permanently altered. UNICEF, along with partners such as the World Bank, European Commission, International Labour Organisation, World Food Programme and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, is increasing our focus on supporting governments to strengthen social protection systems so they are ready to respond. This guidance supports this transition, outlining UNICEF’s approach to shock responsive social protection and providing practical tools and resources. We hope it will aid UNICEF colleagues as well as partners inside and out
Data visualization & Infographic/UNICEF reports Vol. 2
By using visual elements like charts, infographics, and maps, data visualization is an effective to convey non-profit organization's message and ideas. With the purpose of education and storytelling, the infographics in reports can help the audiences quickly understand the background information, and remove the noise from data and highlighting the useful information. Meanwhile, high-quality data visualization helps the non-profit organization to attract more attentions from the public. It helps the organization to promote themselves and influence more people.
UNICEF‘s Social Protection Framework
We live in a world where 385 million children are struggling on less than $1.90 a day and there are significant child poverty rates even in the world’s richest countries. This leaves hundreds of millions of children are living in multidimensional poverty and will struggle to reach their full potential. This is devastating for the children themselves, and has knock-on effects for the societies and economies to which they belong. Further, growing and interconnected global trends, ranging from climate change to forced migration, threaten to increase child poverty and vulnerability, making the challenges even greater. This framework outlines the crucial role child-sensitive social protection has to play in responding to these current and emerging challenges. It provides a conceptual framework and shared definition, evidence on the impacts of social protection, and what a child-sensitive social protection system should include. Hopefully, this will provide clarity to understanding child-se
Redesign the GenU brochure
Redesign GenU's event brochure to make it looks younger and more attractive to young people.
Generation Unlimited Brochure Design
Generation Unlimited is a global partnership that aims to ensure that every young person is in education, learning, training or employment by 2030. By 2030 there will be 2 billion young women and men seeking opportunities for a bright future throughout the world. With education, skills and empowerment, these young people will help transform economies and nations. But a fast-changing global economy demands increasingly specialized skills at a time when many education systems are struggling. Generation Unlimited brings together the private sector, governments, international and local organizations – and young people – to identify and scale up the best solutions for three major challenges: access to secondary age education, acquisition of employability skills and empowerment, especially of girls. We are building a new and dynamic model: co-creating innovative solutions; brokering support, mentoring and funding; placing young people at the forefront of change.
Visual Scandal Posters&Drawings
Assignments: The assignment was to create a poster for a workshop on topic of "Visualization and social issues". The workshop's title is Portrait of visual scandal. The client asked me to design the poster with ironic symbols and highlight the text of 'Visual Scandal'. Approach: My approach was to find a visual way to show the conflicts between "Visualization" and "social issues". In order to make the contrast, we selected wild animal and pets as our visual elements. On the background are black and white sketches of wild animals, and on the front scene is a well protected house cat. Each of the black and white sketches were drew by charcoal on letter size paper. Then it took us 8 days to scan and compose them on computer. Result: The poster displays the animals' miserable conditions, so as to create emotions and attitudes to reflected the theme. It attracted the audiences well and helped the client to tell the story. The workshop was a big success, and the poster was collected by.....
Chinese Painting Weather App
The app will analyze the current season and climate to decided which subjects of Chinese painting would be used as the background-image. On the other hand,users can choose which subjects of work they like too. The color of the sky has a interesting interaction with the painting and with the subject of painting. I hope that this app can let more people worry about the nowaday environmental pollution. In addition, may be it can attract some Chinese young people to know more about the Traditional Chinese Art. Since there are too many young people who know nothing about their own country's culture. Image-1: This app use the Chinese landscape painting to show the climates and temperatures, which is the fundamental understanding of Chinese landscape painting, therefor it can intuitive show the time since the color of the sky has the function of the time reference. This circle has the function of the dial, rotate the sun button or the moon button can directly selected point in time thus ch
马尔智与他的梅伶兰姿/March and His Orchid Hand Patterns of Mei
Benjamin March’s Orchid Hand Patterns of Mei Lan-fang is a book that supplements Benjamin March’s original book Orchid Hand Patterns of Mei Lan-fang, and further explores his studies. A variety of March’s writings, including his essays, diaries and appraisals were selected and translated into Chinese, along with photos, drafts, press clippings and other image sources presented throughout the book. To emphasize March’s unique perspectives of studies, as well as to fully introduce Mei’s orchid hand patterns, the appendix of the book shows other 44 pieces of Mei’s orchid hand patterns in line-drawing illustrations. These illustrations were created by me based on the photos in A Glance to Mei Lanfang’s Art, a material published in 1935 where a total of 53 hand patterns were introduced, and in a style with respect to March and Paul McPharlin’s original illustrations.
跟着妈妈学诗歌/Learn Poetry with Mom
Learn Poetry with Mom is a children’s book that is ideal for both parent-child reading and independent reading. The book provides 31 lessons (chapters) following the time order of four seasons, with over 70 Chinese classical masterpiece poems that fit theirs particular occasions. An interactive narrative is applied to demonstrate the vivid and colorful world of Chinese classical poetry to the children, as well as to introduce the education wisdom of poetry.
“Design as productive force”
Design as productive force was a fourteen-day exhibition which was a part of the exhibitions during the Icograda World Design Congress 2009. This exhibition was organised by Central Academy of Fine Art. I was in charge of the exhibition’s visual identity design.
Protecting children on the move from violence and abuse
Information Graphic Design
These projects are my information graphic design works.
Identity design for TriArc, a multifaceted construction company with vast amounts of experience in the building industry. The minimalist linear graphic and the navy color professionally conveys the attributes of the company.
宗门·宗师·宗风:从俞粟庐到俞振飞/Origination · Mastery · Spirituality
Origination · Mastery · Spirituality: From Yu Sulu to Yu Zhenfei is a book related to an exhibition of the same name held by China Kunqu Museum. The book contains pictures of all the 224 pieces of relics and historical materials from the exhibition and provides a linear narrative to throughoutly demonstrate and explore the Yu’s art and teaching philosophies. This book is published by Phoenix Fine Arts Publishing. Ltd, in October 2018.
蔡正仁俞派唱法传承计划/Cai Zhengren's Master Class on Kunqu Opera
Cai Zhengren’s Master Class on The Yu’s Style of Kunqu Opera is a series of video learning materials delivered by Cai Zhengren. The true essence and skills of The Yu’s style is well demonstrated and explained through more than 30 major tune labels (pieces). The set includes three albums, with seven DVD disks and a total length of 910 minutes.
Harrowing Journeys (UNICEF report)
Young migrants and refugees set out to escape harm or secure better futures – and face staggering risks in the process. For children and youth on the move via the Mediterranean Sea routes to Europe, the journey is marked by high levels of abuse, trafficking and exploitation. Some are more vulnerable than others: those from sub-Saharan Africa, those travelling alone, those with low levels of education and those undertaking longer journeys. These and more findings come from a joint report by UNICEF and IOM analysing the journeys of some 11,000 young refugees and migrants between 14 and 24 years old along the Eastern and Central Mediterranean routes to Europe. The analysis reveals the interplay of factors – from origin and education to the trajectory and duration of their journey– that render them vulnerable to abuse, exploitation and trafficking. This report focuses on those heading to Europe – but echoes of their experiences and testimonies can be found among young migrants and refugees around the world.
Child-centered urban planning concept
Meet the responsibility to provide child- responsive urban settings through urban planning that respect children’s rights and respond to their needs, from early childhood to adolescent life in a sustainable way.
A child is a child
Among the millions of children on the move worldwide, many – including hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied children and adolescents – undertake dangerous journeys. This report shows how the lack of safe and legal pathways for refugee and migrant children feeds a booming market for human smuggling and puts them at risk of violence, abuse and exploitation. Building on recent UNICEF policy proposals, it sets out ways that governments can better protect these vulnerable children.
Thirsting for a Future (UNICEF WASH report)
Climate change is one of many forces contributing to an unfolding water crisis. In the coming years, the demand for water will increase as food production grows, populations grow and move, industries develop and consumption increases. This can lead to water stress, as increasing demand and use of water strain available supplies. One of the most effective ways to protect children in the face of climate change is to safeguard their access to safe water and sanitation. This report shares a series of solutions, policy responses and case studies from UNICEF’s work around the world.
No pain, no gain_Moments in my career
A self promotion poster. Hand made drawing. This map shows the connections between my works and my experience. Through draw and analysis myself, I could have the context to review my experience. Then, the sketch will reflectl my nature of my heart and my attitude.
Web Banner design for Concrete Technology Corporation
Website banner design for a Concrete Technology Corporation. All these images were from Stock photos.
14 Designer Manifesto
This project is about making a design statement publicly. For me, design manifesto is like a design rule. I written 14 designers manifesto and made them visual. All these manifesto influence my design a lot. These manifesto posters show the connections between my works and my design thinking. Through written and design them, I could have the context to review my experience.
Logo & Mark & Draft I Collection
Logo design from 2015-2016.
SLUMBER FLIGHT_Album Cover_Illustrations
How do you remember your dreams? How do you tell your life is a dream or real world? My most recent illustration project was to express a dream of mine. Colors and shapes, feelings and memories, stars and tears, dreams are always so dramatic. Some research on dreams suggests that the vast majority of people actually used to dream in black and white. This is my dream. I can control its colors.
Children at risk of trafficking and exploitation UNICEF
Children accounted for 28% of detected trafficking victims according to the latest global data, from 2014.
Transparent_Typeface specimen and experiments
This is a series of work which focus on typeface research and study. The big poster shows the research progress.
Graphic design for animation Pokey Pokey
Graphic design for Jake Zhang's animation Pokey Pokey. Include poster design, credit design, logo design and illustration. Please follow Jake Zhang's portfolio.
R-E, a graphic design process magazine. Vol.01
Experimental design. All layout design is based on The New York Times Magazine. / student assignment/ instructor: Lindsay Kinkade
Poster Collection
My poster work.
Urban planning principles
Personal Resume & Promotion (Version 2014)
This is my resume design. I am looking for full time graphic design position. Please contact me if you have interest.
CDA(context design alliance)
During one-week learning on the The Context(It is a branch of applied linguistics), I design a little frame which I noted some logical relationship between designer and reader. With these preparations out of the way, I were ready to design the visual image design of the Context Design Alliance. It is a frame that I can experiment with ideas that may not work out.Since the themes of object constantly varies throughout the daily task. The visual image design of CDA should be designed to adapt the latest theme we are dealing with. From content to form, it has many methods to convey informations such as overlay part of the logo, hightlight part of the logo, mirror the logo or recombine the order of the text.
Water is war is life
Public posters
Postil of Design is a project which focuses on the Design Issue. Through analysis and discuss some practical problems of design, I collect a lot of people’s feedback about the design issue they had once met. This project took part in the Annual Show of Central Academy of Fine Art 2012 and won the Third Prize.
Personal project/ Goal: combinate Chinese letters with english letters and images.
Diversified Communication Art
The objective of my work is to remind people to communicate with their families and friends, because we live in the era with internet and smart phones, and these remote technology are pushing us away from our true life. Sometimes when I look at masterpieces from last century, and then compare those most authentic thoughts with our current life, I have realized that our daily communications are mostly based on what we have heard from internet. Think about our life before internet, were we happier? Were we spending more time joyfully with our families?
ASU MVCD Studio Night Poster/ March 6 in ASU
Come check out the ASU Masters students at our open Studio Night. We're excited to see you there! Studio Night will be held Friday, March 6, 2015 from 6-8 pm in the Design North building room CDN 369/391, on the Tempe Campus. — at ASU Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts. https://www.facebook.com/events/1423671817926938/
A story of Finding 金鱼の历险
HuiFeng Museum
Branding design
China Short Film Festival
*Concept work The composition of the main Logo: Chinese“節 means Festival”+ CHINA SHORT FILM FESTIVAL. The Chinese font part including RED, YELLOW and BLUE colors design of the dislocation which reflect the characteristics of the vision sence. Auxiliary graphics are bubbles, with different themes, the pattern of bubble changes, and the shape of bubble changes.
Illustrations Collection
My illustrations, made during 2008-2010.
My Art Works
My art works. Their theme is Interaction.
"Sunnybon" branding & package
redesign the logo and package
Drawing Experiments For Global Climate Change
Drawing experiments
Playing Arts – Future Edition II
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